Terrii Tex Beam: Anglican Church is 'special'

The little white Anglican church at Livingston Street and Conklin Avenue is a very special place. For me and many more people it is a home and an extended family. Others, such as the Episcopal Diocese of [Central] New York, claim ownership since we are no longer Episcopal, but remain Anglican. Recently the Episcopal Church attempted to evict the Anglican faithful.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Central New York

2 comments on “Terrii Tex Beam: Anglican Church is 'special'

  1. robroy says:

    “Please help us prevent the Episcopal Church from taking our church home.”

    That about sums it up.

  2. Mike Bertaut says:

    The idea of folks being booted from their Church home for REMAINING FAITHFUL just fills me with sadness. Then again, I read this yesterday…

    However, the Most High does not live in houses made by men. As the prophet says:
    49″ ‘Heaven is my throne,
    and the earth is my footstool.
    What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord.
    Or where will my resting place be?
    50Has not my hand made all these things?’ (Acts 7:48-50)

    These words, used by Stephen in his defense prior to martyrdom, are hard for me to hear. But if we cannot keep a Church home, these words provided me some comfort, in that God will find us wherever we are.
