(The News) Jonathan Frost named as new Bishop of Portsmouth and says he has city ‘on his heart’

He was unveiled as the new Bishop of Portsmouth this morning at Charter Academy, the diocese’s only Church of England secondary school on the mainland. He joined pupils in a science laboratory, as part of his desire to start his new role by engaging with young people living in the diocese.

Bishop Jonathan said: ‘I believe the role of a bishop is to pray, to share the story and the love of Jesus, and to speak up for the marginalised and voiceless.

‘I’ve got Portsmouth on my heart. Many people across this diocese have had a tough time through the pandemic, especially the most vulnerable, and I know Christians here played their part with others to support those in need.

‘I’m looking forward to working in partnership, as together we tackle the biggest issues facing us today – such as the poor mental health and wellbeing of so many of our young people; climate change; and the scandal of poverty, which restricts opportunities and life chances.

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Posted in Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops