(LR) How to Respond to a Half Empty Worship Space

Where is everybody?

Why are so many from our church not attending like they did before COVID-19?

Why are we having to contact them multiple times, offer food, plan special events just to get them to come in person?

We shouldn’t have to do this!

Thoughts similar to these have likely been going through your head in recent months. Few churches are back to pre-COVID attendance. In fact, the average Protestant church has in-person attendance of 73% of their pre-COVID attendance. While that’s an improvement over early in 2021 when an average of 60% of pre-COVID attendees were coming to church in person, it can still be frustrating for pastors and church leaders.

How should we process this news that so many churchgoers are missing on a typical week? What should we make of this reality?

Read it all.

Posted in Health & Medicine, Parish Ministry, Religion & Culture