The Younger Generation Finds Religion

Recent articles have reported that young adults are turning to religion to the surprise ”” and sometimes chagrin ”” of their less observant parents. Guests discuss God and the generation gap, and why parents aren’t always thrilled when their children become more observant.

Listen it all from NPR.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Religion & Culture

2 comments on “The Younger Generation Finds Religion

  1. Bernini says:

    I’ve not listened to NPR in years, so should I be surprised that the interviewer seemed to have an almost incredulous air about her attitude towards these faithful? Or am I reading too much into it?

    In any case, NPR is behind the curve. For further reading, check out “The New Faithful: Why Young Adult Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy” by Colleen Carroll. It came out five years ago, in 2002.

  2. Jim the Puritan says:

    Anyone going to an evangelical church will know they are packed with young people in their 20s and 30s, singles and young families. If the mainline denominations want to know what happened to their future generation, they might want to check in on a Sunday. Unfotunately, the program is pretty boring fare, like following Jesus and living by Scripture, rather than implementing the Millenium Development Goals and promoting same-sex marriage.