Falcons, NFL appear blindsided by Vick indictment

From Sporting News:

I came away from today’s press conference with Falcons officials convinced the team and NFL were blindsided by Michael Vick’s indictment. They didn’t know it was coming, and they didn’t know how bad it would be. What baffles me is why.

“We had no reason to believe what came out in the indictment would be in the indictment,” team owner Arthur Blank told reporters in Atlanta. “As soon as we saw the indictment, we began to deal with it.”

Team G.M. Rich McKay said the team had no idea the indictment would come down when it did.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Ethics / Moral Theology, Sports, Theology

6 comments on “Falcons, NFL appear blindsided by Vick indictment

  1. chips says:

    I think Vick’s value to Nike is now less than zero. I cannot see how he will be able to take a snap – PETA will make great hay of this and while they are nuts – I hope they do. My wife is livid and sending emails everywhere. The NFL cannot allow it to be taken over by thugs like the NBA.

  2. Bernini says:

    I’m not sure. New commissioner Goodell has stated his primary mission is to “protect the shield.” I don’t Vick will see an NFL playing field again. And does anybody really care what PETA has to say? Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  3. Reactionary says:

    As a black acquaintance told me this a.m., when a thug gets millions of dollars he just buys more expensive pit bulls.

    He is also very familiar with Newport News, VA. Extremely rough place consisting of a permanent underclass that produces more pro athletes than any other area of the country.

  4. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I think the NFL is stuck between a rock and a hard place. One the one hand, they want to try to protect Vick if he is innocent. Nothing has been proven as yet. However, the evidence seems pretty clear. At the very least, the property was owned by Vick.

    So, does the NFL stand up for the Innocent until Proven Guilty policy or cave to external pressure and adopt a more proactive Guilty until Proven Innocent doctrine? That’s a tough one…

  5. Scotsreb says:

    Well, as Vick has been by both the NFL Commissioner and his club NOT to report to training camp, the first step in separating him from the NFL is on the books.

  6. Scotsreb says:

    Obviously, I meant to type “… been TOLD by …