The New Whitehouse Website

Check it out.

Posted in * Economics, Politics, Office of the President, Politics in General, President Barack Obama

10 comments on “The New Whitehouse Website

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    So can he get the rest of the government to work as well as a website?

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    A wise fellow once said that, “That government is best which governs least.” Given that, I our government hasn’t worked very well for quite some time.

  3. DeeBee says:

    I must admit, I reflexively hovered my pointer over the link for several seconds before clicking on it, to make sure that the extension pointed to “.gov” and NOT to “.com”. Such are the times in which we live . . . (Note to those who don’t know what I’m talking about: white house dot com is a p**n site.)

    WRT the site itself: Change has indeed come to America. However, it remains to be seen whether the change will be for the better, for the worse, or (as is most often the case) somewhere between the two.

  4. Bernini says:

    Oh, please. That site makes me want to hurl. Yes, it’s slick. Yes, it’s sexy. As a graphic designer, I applaud both the formal aesthetics and the functionality. HOWEVER, the message is NOT about the institution of the Office of the President. The message is a continuation of BO’s campaign “brand.” It’s all about the cult of Obama.

    “Change has come to America,” the headline proclaims. Oh, freaking gag me.

  5. William P. Sulik says:

    #2. Jeffersonian – would that be the same fellow who in his inaugural address indicated this is the sum duty of government:

    [blockquote]Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.[/blockquote]


  6. SpringsEternal says:

    Just curious… has the White House website undergone this extensive a facelift on the first day of previous administrations?

  7. Bernini says:

    #6 > I don’t think so. I always assumed there was some official Executive Office webmaster who was not unlike the butler…they served the office, not the man. This new site would indicate that either that assumption was wrong, or BO’s makin’ some changes ’round here.

    I’ll also give credit where credit is due: BO’s campaign demonstrated a deft understanding of the reach of modern communications. His team is clearly applying those same principles to the Office. I’ll grant that it makes perfect strategic sense…I just don’t know that I like it.

  8. flaanglican says:

    Not sure there was much to update, much less a website on January 20, 1993. It’s highly probable the Clinton team may have redesigned their website on January 20, 1997, if not before due to the advances in Internet technlogy. I’m pretty certain the website got a facelift on January 20, 2001 with the new Bush administration. As for January 20, 2005, don’t know. It may have remained the same other than cosmetic changes during the past 8 years.

  9. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    What I found quite interesting is the listing of Cabinet and Administration Staff

  10. libraryjim says:

    Don’t forget, though, the Clinton administration included AlGore, the man who invented the internet (by his own admission).