Roger Cohen on Iran: The unthinkable option

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s leading candidate to become prime minister after elections next week, has said “everything that is necessary” will be done to stop Iran going nuclear. I believe him.

Never again is never again. There’s no changing that Israeli lens, however distorting it may be in a changed world. That could mean an Israeli attack on Iran within a year. If the U.S. military option is unthinkable, equally unthinkable is the United States abandoning Israel.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Foreign Relations, Iran, Israel, Middle East

8 comments on “Roger Cohen on Iran: The unthinkable option

  1. Clueless says:

    I think that Obama is completely capable of tossing Israel under the bus. Especially if Israel launches an unprovoked attack on Iran.

  2. Br. Michael says:

    I am not sure that a nuclear Iran is being unprovoked. Unless, of course, we want a nuclear Iran. It is pretty clear that the world will not act to stop it.

  3. Clueless says:

    Oh I agree that a nuclear Iran is provocative (and would eventually destroy Israel). However the world (and Obama) will not see it thus. But this was inevitable. As long as Bush or some other clear “Friend of Israel” was in office, Iran could be expected to speak softly, and Israel could be expected to lie quietly under our shield. Thanks to Obama’s victory the equation has changed.

    As Christians we need to pray more than ever for Israel and the Middle East. The loss of Israel will be only the beginning of the new Islamic jihad into Europe, and this time there will be no Charles Martel to stop them.

  4. Bill C says:

    The spearheads of Muslim expansionism and conquest are now being deeply and probably permanently rooted in western Europe, well past the positions at which Charles Martel and others stopped them a millenium ago.

  5. libraryjim says:

    As I said before, mosques in Iran have banners hung that read “Death to Israel”. Why would Israel see a nuclear Iran as a threat? (he asked, tongue-in-cheek.)

  6. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    The essence for Israel is to destroy most of the [i]minds[/i]. Thus, unlike the Osirak operation — Ose-Irak in French means “Iraq dares,” which matters, given who sold them the technology — the next Israeli op will arrive in mid-day, when the maximum number of nukies are in the facilities.

    Think the Israelis can’t pull it off? How about five Dolphin class submarines, each with two dozen tactical-nuke capable cruise missiles. Even with conventional warshots that’ll put a nasty tatoo on the tangos.

    There is more I could say, but will not.

  7. little searchers says:

    I have a feeling that if the Zionists don’t change course and decide to get along with their neighbors, they will end up under the bus and unfortunately, drag us and the rest of the world with them.

  8. libraryjim says:

    Have you been reading Hal Lindsey again?

    Jim Elliott