ENS: Anglicans in the Americas plan mission gathering

Members of the six Anglican Communion provinces in the Americas will gather February 22-27 in San José, Costa Rica, for the Conference of the Anglican Churches in the Americas in Mutual Responsibility and Mission.

The February meeting will allow participants to tell their colleagues about their mission and ministry along with training opportunities. In addition, conference participants will spend Ash Wednesday working at various ministry sites with Costa Rican Anglicans.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Episcopal Church (TEC), Latin America & Caribbean, South America

15 comments on “ENS: Anglicans in the Americas plan mission gathering

  1. Already left says:

    Are they kidding? They are the “Anglican Communion provinces in the Americas” and they are meeting in Costa Rica? In a time where people are loosing their jobs and homes? Isn’t there anywhere in the “Americas” they could meet?

  2. BrianInDioSpfd says:

    It would be interesting is the Southern Cone sent Bishop Cavalcanti of Recife as on of their representatives.

  3. Susan Russell says:

    Whew! I was worried there for a minute … but I just checked and yep … Costa Rica is still right there where it’s always been … in Central America!


  4. A Senior Priest says:

    LOL! More window-dressing chicanery from 815 and their various client bodies to bolster the self-identity of their emerging automous jurisdiction.

  5. Christopher Johnson says:

    So they don’t have the Internet in Costa Rica? They couldn’t turn this thing into a videoconference and save money North and South American Anglicans don’t have much of anymore? Hope the hotel’s first-class, at least.

  6. palagious says:

    #3. Maybe the PB can regale the assembled masses with stories from TEC’s litigation mission outreach program. Lawyers are in need of pastoral care also!

  7. jamesw says:

    [comment removed as the corrected comment appears below.]

  8. jamesw says:

    (Sorry, corrected)
    I am a little confused here. The story first says

    Members of the six Anglican Communion provinces in the Americas will gather

    then says

    The eight provinces that have been invited to send participants to the conference are…

    and identifies them as follows:
    the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil,
    the Anglican Church of Canada,
    the Anglican Church of the Central America Region,
    the Anglican Church of Mexico,
    the Church in the Province of the West Indies,
    the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of the Americas,
    the Episcopal Church of Cuba, and
    the Episcopal Church (U.S.A.)

    Then we are told

    Registered participants will come from each of the invited provinces, with the exception of the West Indies

    So is it six, seven or eight Provinces which will be represented? And are all the eight jurisdictions listed Provinces?
    And I wonder who will be there (if any) from the Southern Cone?

  9. BabyBlue says:

    Sounds like eight were, ah hem, “invited” – but only six are showing up for this PR event. So, is the PB driving to Costa Rica?


  10. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    This meeting appears to have been organised under the aegis of the Episcocrats of the so-called Anglican Communion Office.

    I imagine the organisation which can contribute most to this discussion is the South American Mission Society [now merging with the esteemed CMS] whose Mission Director is Bishop Henry Scriven. Bishop Scriven is of course the CofE bishop who the Presiding Bishop has told us all that she has deposed and removed from the churches ministry and is now sueing. Perhaps the Presiding Bishop will be explaining to the assembly exactly what her contribution has been to Mutual Responsibility and Mission in the Americas.

  11. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    One wonders if there is any connection with this news? Apparently Canon Kearon, the noted evangelist, is proposing to organise evangelism and church-planting throughout the Communion. The keynote speaker of the Americas meeting, a John Kafwanka of the ACO, is involved in this as well apparently.

  12. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    From the link in #11 number 4 of the 5 marks of mission:
    “To seek to transform unjust structures of society”
    – what might that include, do you suppose?

  13. Sarah1 says:

    RE: “Apparently Canon Kearon, the noted evangelist, is proposing to organise evangelism and church-planting throughout the Communion.”


    Pageeantmaster is feeling frisky, I see.

  14. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    #13 Well there is certainly a spring in my step, Sarah, after reading this encouraging news.

  15. Cennydd says:

    Ah, yes…..Hiltz and Schori are in the picture! It figures. ZZZZZZZZZZZ!