Yesterday’s C of E General Synod Round Up

From there:

  • Cost of living motion brought forward that champions the work of the church in meeting the needs of the crisis and calls on the government for further action. There were also amendments to remove reference to the Ukraine war and to commit the church to take more action for parishes.
  • Item 530 relates to the Misc Measure and gives Parishes the ultimate say on land sales during times of vacancy. A win for Save the Parish. A number of other clauses were considered and passed.
  • There was discussion about the Parochial Fees Order. Reductions in fees for weddings and funerals passed in light of the cost of living crisis.
  • LLF debate got underway. Was very well humoured considering the nature of the topic. A number of amendments tabled and all failed to pass.


Posted in Church of England (CoE), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)