(Ian Paul) Did Paul prohibit all forms of same-sex sexual relations?

But what does this mean in practice? Does Paul’s teaching mean that we are being unkind to gay people and denying them ‘fulness of life’? We need to remember three things in reflecting on this. First, to love someone is (according to Aquinas) to will the best for them. If God has revealed his best pattern of living for humanity, and if that best plan is that that marriage is between one man and one woman, and sexual intimacy belongs within that, then this is the pattern we need to live by and call others to. It was, after all, Jesus who was himself single and celibate who both lived out and offered us this life in all its fulness.

Secondly, we need to listen carefully to the testimony of those who have indeed found it the way of life. In my report on the February 2023 meeting of Synod, I quoted the speech from Paul Chamberlain:

Synod colleagues, I am a gay man who holds to the historic teaching of the church on marriage and sex. Despite my desires for sexual intimacy with other men, I have sought to fashion my life, and forge my relationships according to that teaching. This has not been easy. In my 20s, I met a guy. I really wanted a relationship with him. But I believed, and believe, that the teaching of scripture is clear. Not once have I regretted the decision not to pursue that relationship.

Thirdly, we need to make this teaching possible by the way we live as the people of God. We need to recognise the two honoured patterns of life—marriage and celibate singleness—and support both. We need to encourage and support those who are married, without idolising marriage and pretending it holds no challenges. We need to encourage and support those who are single, without treating them as second best. And we need to live as the family of God, willing to invest in deep friendships, welcoming others into our homes, so that it is this fellowship, and not merely sex and marriage, which is the end of loneliness.

Read it all.


Posted in Anthropology, Ethics / Moral Theology, Pastoral Theology, Religion & Culture, Sexuality, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), Theology, Theology: Scripture