EPA Administrator Optimistic About New Laws

Lisa Jackson, the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is re-energizing the agency with a sweeping agenda.

Jackson made waves recently with a ruling that greenhouse gases pose a threat to public health. That opens the way for new ”” and some say costly ”” regulations.

Listen to it all from NPR.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Energy, Natural Resources, Law & Legal Issues

4 comments on “EPA Administrator Optimistic About New Laws

  1. Katherine says:

    “Some say costly.” No kidding.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    Oh, I’m sure those promulgating and enforcing these laws will see their stock rise handsomely. The rest of us…well, not so much.

  3. Harvey says:

    Meanwhile: How about the 90% or more of the earth’s total population that still throw tons of CO into the earths atmosphere each day. True: The US with 3-5% of the earth’s population [I’m not sure of the figure] seems to be responsible for 20-30 percent of the pollution but what about the ~70% or more that we have no control of whatsoever – and it is getting worse!!!

  4. libraryjim says:

    Well, Obama promised during the campaign that he would bankrupt the coal companies through his new ‘taxes’ (later changed to ‘cap and trade fees’). Just one more promise kept.