Christians in Mideast Losing Numbers and Influence

Christians used to be a vital force in the Middle East. They dominated Lebanon and filled top jobs in the Palestinian movement. In Egypt, they were wealthy beyond their number. In Iraq, they packed the universities and professions. Across the region, their orientation was a vital link to the West, a counterpoint to prevailing trends.

But as Pope Benedict XVI wends his way across the Holy Land this week, he is addressing a dwindling and threatened Christian population driven to emigration by political violence, lack of economic opportunity and the rise of radical Islam. A region that a century ago was 20 percent Christian is about 5 percent today and dropping.

Since it was here that Jesus walked and Christianity was born, the papal visit highlights a prospect many consider deeply troubling for the globe’s largest faith, adhered to by a third of humanity ”” its most powerful and historic shrines could become museum relics with no connection to those who live among them.

Read it all.

Posted in * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Coptic Church, Islam, Middle East, Orthodox Church, Other Churches, Other Faiths, Roman Catholic

One comment on “Christians in Mideast Losing Numbers and Influence

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    Today, the Mideast. Tomorrow, Europe.