Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says

Members of Congress have been told in confidential briefings that Pakistan is rapidly adding to its nuclear arsenal even while racked by insurgency, raising questions on Capitol Hill about whether billions of dollars in proposed military aid might be diverted to Pakistan’s nuclear program.

Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed the assessment of the expanded arsenal in a one-word answer to a question on Thursday in the midst of lengthy Senate testimony. Sitting beside Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, he was asked whether he had seen evidence of an increase in the size of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

“Yes,” he said quickly, adding nothing, clearly cognizant of Pakistan’s sensitivity to any discussion about the country’s nuclear strategy or security.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Asia, Foreign Relations, Military / Armed Forces, Pakistan

3 comments on “Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says

  1. Bystander says:

    This could be the Armageddon of the Middle East. Buy big Oil.

  2. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    How could this be, if the enemy of my enemy is my friend? 😉

  3. A Floridian says:

    Friendships you have to buy don’t remain when/if you don’t keep up the payments. The US has certainly tried to buy friends…

    Only those individual and corporate kinships born and maintained in the Holy Spirit, Love *and* Truth, honor and respect will last on earth into eternity. The Truth, Love and Life of Christ unites us in His Gospel.

    See Fr. Dan Martin’s latest post on the reunion at Nashotah.