The Latest Edition of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina Enewsletter

Update on the Rev. Jason Hamshaw

The Rev. Jason Hamshaw, the Rector of All Saints’ Anglican Church in Florence, is undergoing treatment for stage 4 colorectal cancer.  The following appeared in their May 18 church email newsletter. “We are deeply thankful for your faithful prayers through what feels like a very long journey with stage 4 cancer. Because the cancer had spread to the lungs, Jason has been undergoing secondary radiation to the needed areas of his lungs. He completes these treatments this week. The next step is surgery to remove the primary tumor. The surgery is scheduled to take place on June 4th in Charleston, SC. We praise God that he has showed an excellent response to treatments so far and are trusting the Lord for this next major step. We continue to value your prayers through surgery and recovery. We know that the work and healing the Lord has in store is for his glory and for our good!”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Parish Ministry