(RNS) Dying of cancer, Amy Low finds meaning in the mundane of life

In her book, Low, a Christian college graduate and daughter of a pastor, grapples with the lessons learned in what she calls the “last room” — a stage where she is close to dying but still here. It’s a room we all will enter at some point, she writes. But few of us think about our mortality before then.  The lessons she’s learned there have taught her life can be both beautiful and awful, often at the same time. That’s different from what she learned growing up in church or as a college student — where she heard that God had a wonderful plan for her life and if she was faithful, things would turn out for the best. She now sees that message as more prosperity gospel than actual Bible teaching. Sometimes terrible things happen, she said in a recent interview with RNS. Not because of a lack of faith but because life is hard. “One of the things that I’ve learned over the past decade is that hardship has nothing to do with God’s faithfulness,” she said. “God is, for me anyway, even more present through the hardship than through the mountaintops.” Read it all.
Posted in Books, Health & Medicine, Marriage & Family, Theodicy, Theology