One of my favourite articles over the last two months–(Washington Post) Their graves were marked only by numbers. She fought to find their names.

Annapolis historian Janice Hayes-Williams remembers visiting this graveyard with her uncle, George Phelps Jr., in 2001. As they wandered through it that day, he keptmuttering to himself. “Jesus. … Jesus. … Jesus.”

“It was overwhelming to my uncle and me,” Hayes-Williams, 67, recalled on a hot July morning as she walked past the numbered markers. “The word that came to mind was ‘disposable.’”

“We both kept saying, ‘A cemetery of patients and no names? No names?’ It was more than unbelievable,” she said. “This is not how you treat human beings.”

Read it all.

Posted in Anthropology, Death / Burial / Funerals, History, Race/Race Relations, Religion & Culture, Stewardship