Why All Saints' In Tenessee split

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Departing Parishes

5 comments on “Why All Saints' In Tenessee split

  1. Harvey says:

    As the title of a famous motion picture stated years ago; “..One Flew Over The Cukoo Nest..” Nuff said!

  2. Robert Dedmon says:

    All I can say to Harvey is that these are real people who are my
    beloved friends and there has been plenty of pain to go around for
    everyone. The Cukoo’s Nest is located much farther to the Northeast, somewhere in the vicinity of 2nd Avenue in Manhatten.

  3. Jody+ says:

    Ditto to #2. It’s a difficult situation, and it’s not made easier by insults. I may not be in 100% agreement with St. Patrick’s and the importance they assign the role of Presiding Bishop, but I–or anyone who is honest–can’t deny the practical implications for evangelism that they’ve experienced. We’ve often focused on how many people we’ve lost over these conflicts, but the real question is how many people are on the verge but never get over the road block of the national church to even visit?

    I pray for Fr. Ray’s ministry and the ministry at St. Patrick’s, and I pray that someday the relationship between us may be restored within a vibrant and healthy Anglicanism in the US, united fully with the global communion in mission and not of separate minds and divergent directions.

  4. chips says:

    Seems like the folks at St Patrick’s have a future – nothing crazy about that. They claim that the 150 initial members are now up to 200. They have also closed on a very pretty farm to build a new church. A phoenix from the ashes.

  5. Origen says:

    For a similar article written from the prospective of All Saints Smynra, please see this link:
