ACNA Ecumenical and Anglican Visitors

Read it all and check out the pictures also.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, ACNA Inaugural Assembly June 2009, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

13 comments on “ACNA Ecumenical and Anglican Visitors

  1. Harry Edmon says:

    Glad to see the LCMS in attendance!

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    Very surprised to see the LCMS in attendance. In the LCMS “ecumenism” is usually a word synonymous with heresy. I don’t agree with their theology, but I DO respect them.

    On a side note I am looking forward to Met. +Jonah’s speech tomorrow morning.

  3. Words Matter says:

    It’s nice to see Bishop Vann of Fort Worth on the list. He’s a good man who has done a lot for the Catholic diocese here.

  4. Conchúr says:

    [Comment deleted by Elf – off topic and comments which promote or direct readers to leave or to join other churches howsoever expressed are against comment policy at T19]

  5. Ad Orientem says:

    Re # 4,
    I private messaged my reply to you.

    [Edited by Elf]

  6. Harry Edmon says:

    The LCMS considers fellowship without doctrinal agreement to be unscriptural, thus our unwillingness to join in the modern ecumenical movement. However, the LCMS has always been open and eager for dialog with other denominations to discuss our doctrinal differences and compare them to what Scripture says, for that is what we are called to do as Christians. This is one of the reasons why we have a standing “Commission on Theology and Church Relations” (CTCR).

    Although we in the LCMS have differences in doctrine with the Anglican Church, I always will support efforts by any denomination to move toward Biblical, orthodox, and traditional Christianity.

  7. Ad Orientem says:

    Re #4
    I am not sure how you are getting [b][i] promote or direct readers to leave or to join other churches[/i][/b] unless such is defined as the mere mention of non-Anglican bodies. My post on the Ghana thread made no reference to leaving or joining anything. It was a criticism of the theological basis for W/O which noted differences between Anglicanism and the Roman – Orthodox traditions.

    Simili modo Conor’s post did not encourage anyone to leave or join anything. He made reference to the continuing Anglican jurisdictions (of which ACNA would seem to be the latest member as it is not in formal communion with the see of Canterbury) and the fact that at least one group may be casting it’s eyes across the Tiber. He clearly opined that the continuing jurisdictions are the only ones worth having ecumenical discussions with.

    In fairness Conor’s post was off topic. That can not be denied. But it seems that we are moving towards a standard in comments here that effectively precludes any reference to non-Anglican religious bodies in any context critical of Anglicanism or which acknowledges that that some Anglicans are leaving.

    It’s your show, but you may want to consider how broadly you wish to interpret the rules. By the standards you seem to be applying there is at least [url=]one entire thread[/url] that would demand deletion.

    Yours in ICXC

  8. Ad Orientem says:

    Apologies. In my post #7 the linked thread should be [url=]this one[/url].

  9. Brian from T19 says:

    I see who ACNA has. We in TEC have ++Rowan Williams.

  10. Ad Orientem says:

    [url=]persona non grata[/url]

    Taking the hint and politely bowing out…

    Wishing all the best,

  11. Cole says:

    Gee Brian, are you just making a flippant remark, or are you trying to bait a comeback from someone? Maybe several hours went by because no one wants to show disrespect for the office of the ABofC. Ultimately, the orthodox who have made this big step of reorganization did it because they really do believe Who they think is on their side. If the ABofC had shown better leadership, maybe this split would not have been necessary. Do the math about how many in the Communion supports the ACNA. Also, what comes to my mind is the words of Joseph to his brothers in Genesis 50:19-20, but substituting the last words: “the saving of [b]many lives[/b]” with “[b]many souls[/b].” (NIV)

  12. physician without health says:

    I second everything that Harry Edmon says and am also very happy to see LCMS in attendance.

  13. Katherine says:

    #7, yes, you do have Williams, and he will address the global economic crisis, at an event at the Hilton. Jefferts Schori will provide an overview of the economic crisis. The panel will include an environmental activist.

    I leave it to the reader to decide why the leader of the CofE and the leader of ECUSA are particularly qualified to talk about economics.