From the Email/IM bag

i was on your site just a while ago reading your roots of the roots piece, how do you know your father if your not taught by him, his word. I agree with basic, but once you know basic you really want to increase that. Interesting piece got me thinking a lot….

i am actually surpised you don’t write more, your style of writing seems to promote good and deep thought, I would enjoy reading more of your pieces, I am sure many more would agree

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet

10 comments on “From the Email/IM bag

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    I concur – I’ll shut up if you write more.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    I agree with #1, which should be a strong incentive for you to put finger to key 🙂

  3. Rob Eaton+ says:

    You guys couldn’t keep quiet even if God himself wrote something.

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    I find myself convicted, #3, but I’d hope I could restrict my intemperate outbursts to hosannas and praise.

  5. William P. Sulik says:


    Actually, those who know me find I’m very quiet – I just like to peck away.

  6. Crabby in MD says:

    Oh, PLEEEEEASE, pretty PLEEEEAAASE? I’ve transcribed some of your talks for SF, would love to hear more from you!

  7. Karen B. says:

    Hey Kendall,
    Count me in among the crowd that would always welcome more of your reflections, teaching and preaching posted here on T19.

    Thanks for all you do,

  8. pwhite says:

    I agree, Kendall. God has given you a tremendous gift to share.

  9. Stefano says:

    Frankly, a LOT less of the NYT and NPR bloviations and a little more reflections of a serious theologian would be welcome and useful. It’s not the style I admire, it’s the substance. How ’bout re-posting the ‘iceberg’ video for instance?

  10. Monksgate says:

    Agree wholeheartedly with all who ask to hear/read more from you, Kendall.