Green Valley Episcopalians face changes head-on

[The Rev. Terri] Pilarski, who has been pastor at St. Francis-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church for about 18 months, said her Green Valley congregation has weathered changes before and is ahead of the denomination on many social justice issues.

“I’m sure there are a few people who are upset,” she said, “but nobody’s banging on my door.”

Pilarski said the congregation, which ranges from 225 to 500 members depending on time of year, has a long history of life experience that has shaped them.

“While they can fall all along the spectrum of people who embrace the more progressive perspective and others who embrace the more traditional perspective, they are, nonetheless, people with a lot of experience,” she said. “They have family, children and grandchildren who may be gays and lesbians and they really have a compassionate response.”

Pilarski said the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, but she said society as a whole still ostracizes gay men and women.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, TEC Parishes

4 comments on “Green Valley Episcopalians face changes head-on

  1. Christopher Johnson says:

    I hope this is a case of a reporter getting it wrong. Because if the Rev. Pilarski really believes that “the Bible does not condemn homosexuality,” [I don’t agree with the Rev Pilarski].

    [Comment edited by Elf]

  2. Floridaaah says:

    Is there meant to be a Freudian slip in the headline?

    [i] Elf to the rescue. [/i]

  3. Anastasios says:

    And I rather like the comment of TEC being “under the umbrella of England’s Anglican Communion.” What the hey???

  4. Pb says:

    I guess the bible does not condemn adultery either.