USA Today: The secret lives of female alcoholics

The numbers are troubling: An estimated 17.6 million adults in the USA are either alcoholics or have alcohol problems, according to the National Institutes of Health. By some estimates, one-third of alcoholics are women.

Yet if you were to ask a woman’s friends and family if she has a drinking problem, they might very well say no.

Read the whole thing.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Alcoholism, Women

One comment on “USA Today: The secret lives of female alcoholics

  1. Courageous Grace says:

    [blockquote]Yet if you were to ask a woman’s friends and family if she has a drinking problem, they might very well say no. [/blockquote]

    I have an immediate female relative who is an alcoholic, although she says she’s a drunk not an alcoholic (because alcoholics go to meetings). Of course, she doesn’t hide it like women in the article are said to do.

    If I were an alcoholic, on the other hand, I would probably be the type to try to hide it.