A Painfully Funny Tom Toles Cartoon

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Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

6 comments on “A Painfully Funny Tom Toles Cartoon

  1. Crabby in MD says:

    I have to deal with Mr. Toles daily. This is one of the few I found funny! In a sick sort of way.

  2. Dick Mitchell says:

    Concur with my fellow Marylander.

  3. CanaAnglican says:

    #1. Crabby,
    I agree with you on the miserable nature of Toles’ so-called cartoons. They all seem crudely done and willing to cudgle with a broad ax rather than to prick with a pin. Block before him was just as bad, so the W-P hasn’t had a decent political cartoonist in 50 years.

    Where we live in the country, in eight years, the daily price has risen from $.25 to $1.00. Sundays are now $2.50. A lot of days we rely on the internet for news instead of shelling out for this yellow rag. Most stories include a few facts and then are imbedded with the editorial slant. Sad as a Toles cartoon.

  4. Dilbertnomore says:

    Obama made the same point in his Saturday morning address today that Toles shows Bernanke portraying. I’ll be waiting to see just when Toles makes his messiah, The One, the point of one of his miserable commentaries.

  5. drjoan says:

    Accident? You mean NO ONE saw it coming?!

  6. Crabby in MD says:

    Oh, yeah. Bush planned the whole thing, and now Obama has to save us from the nasty republicans! All Bush’s fault! Just like he planned 9/11!