Volunteer networker William Oppenheim Wins Rhodes Scholarship

[William] Oppenheim founded Omprakash Foundation, an online database of volunteer opportunities that, unlike many others, is completely free and education-driven. He is not selling volunteer trips, he is connecting volunteers and donors with opportunities.

“There are all these companies where you will pay them $5,000 and they will sell you this trip,” he said. “This passion has just grown from my interest in education around the world.”

So far, there are more than 100 educational partners in 26 counties. For instance, his foundation connected a journalism club at a private school in California with a journalism program at a girls’ school in Kenya.

He sounds like quite a guy–congratulations to him. Read it all and there is much more there.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Charities/Non-Profit Organizations, Education, Young Adults

One comment on “Volunteer networker William Oppenheim Wins Rhodes Scholarship

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Isn’t that amazing? I expect we will hear more of Mr. Oppenheim in the future. Outstanding website: