Sarah on Thanksgiving as a Military Spouse: The Tradition of No Traditions

My husband is deployed and I’m too pregnant to travel comfortably these days. I wasn’t sure what I’d be doing for Thanksgiving. I talked to one of my husband’s friends, a single soldier who is deploying in a few days. He didn’t have time to get home and back before deployment, so his father was flying out to see him off. He said they’d probably have to eat at Country Kitchen or something.

We decided to do a tiny Thanksgiving together: a 9-lb bird, just a few easy sides, and a store-bought pie. A nice meal to see a soldier off before he deploys, and something to keep me feeling like it’s Thanksgiving and not just another boring day.

Read it all and remember those deployed and their families today.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Children, Marriage & Family, Military / Armed Forces