Group requests removal of nativity scene at Fire Station in South Carolina

After charges that it illegally promotes Christianity with a nativity scene at Fire Station 12 in West Ashley, the city of Charleston removed the creche from display.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, which advocates separation of church and state, sent a letter dated Dec. 17 to Mayor Joe Riley and Fire Chief Thomas Carr notifying them of the city’s Constitutional breach and requesting removal of the creche from the fire station. The letter expressed dismay that the problem has occurred for at least six years. A local resident had complained to the organization about the creche, the letter states.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * South Carolina, Law & Legal Issues, Religion & Culture

8 comments on “Group requests removal of nativity scene at Fire Station in South Carolina

  1. Creighton+ says:

    So wrong. Sad that Mayor Riley gave into this nuisance suit…but this is a common pattern today and is an erosion of religious freedom in the USA.

  2. Grandmother says:

    And, what would happen if some younger folk dressed up as Joseph, Mary, shepherds and did an “live art display” at the fire station, for say 1 hour or so. OFF to jail.?
    Hope this gives someone an idea……
    Grandmother in SC

  3. Village Vicar says:

    Picking on the Fire Department really gets my goat!

  4. Choir Stall says:

    Boy, they sure caved early and quickly.

  5. azusa says:

    & the money says …..?

  6. ember says:

    How would these comments read if Charleston had instead removed a Ramadan display, or a statue of Buddha or Vishnu?

  7. MargaretG says:

    probably much the same ember.

  8. Village Vicar says:

    This story is now generating a fair amount of local buzz/interest/upset. A new revelation is that the nativity scene was set up on private property adjacent to the Fire Station. The figures belong to the fire station and have been front and center at Christmas for years. The creche was moved to the side yard last year after the city was harassed by our local separation-of-church-and-state group (led by a local high profile atheist and at least one member of the clergy – Church of Christ (formerly Baptist).
    I wonder if the same group ought to undertake a campaign advocating for the removal of all of the Santa figures – after all, Santa is a representation of St. Nicholas – a CHRISTIAN. Gee, I wonder if they know that? Now, that would really be a community service!