Kendall Harmon–A Word about Augustine

Yours truly in a recent teaching.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * International News & Commentary, Africa, Church History, Theology

6 comments on “Kendall Harmon–A Word about Augustine

  1. Timothy Fountain says:

    Beautiful – but how come your powerpointe requires you to turn and touch the screen with that black object in order for the words to appear?

  2. IchabodKunkleberry says:

    Just as an aside, Augustine attended the Synod of Hippo in 393 A.D.
    A Wikipedia article (link below) states that this was the 1st council
    of bishops at which the Christian canon of Scripture was defined which
    corresponds to those of the modern RC and Orthodox churches.
    If Augustine had had any misgivings about inclusions or exclusions
    from the scriptural canon, he would not have hesitated to put
    his thoughts to paper and circulate them.

  3. montanan says:

    Is there a place to hear the rest of the talk?

  4. Sebastian says:

    I second #3’s request.

  5. SC blu cat lady says:

    Kendall, You are a natural teacher! I remember your teachings about prayer to our diocesan DOK. You gave me much to think about then and still think about now and again. You are much better than those boring Chemistry profs, huh?? 😉 Actually, there are some great teachers among Chemistry profs, too.

    Now I want to read St. Augustine, as well. I always thought his writing would be beyond my meagre knowledge. NO? Where we can sign up for your class???? Is it online??

  6. SC blu cat lady says:

    #1, That black thing is a marker which has to touch paper to create writing. Amazingly low tech but hey it works! Had you forgotten? LOL

    Kendall, how was it without your laptop as “companion”?? I think you handled the situation nicely … even to writing legibly. Despite the low tech environment, you got your audience’s attention.

    Drat, that I work on Tuesdays! Anyway, is this scheduled to be offered more than once a year?