Notable and Quotable

The last few days I’ve been catching up on the Christian apologetics blogosphere. One of the most interesting thimgs being commented on is Time magazine’s recent article on Mother Theresa and her “crisis of faith”. The wave of discussions rippling through the blog continuum ranges from highs of thoughtful discussion to lows of anti-Catholic and atheistic hate.

Among the best discussions were those found at Titus One Nine, an Anglican-Episcopal blog. At T19 the discussion focused on the the wonderful gift that God had bestowed on Mother Theresa. The comments were full of love and intelligence. Little wonder that Kendall Harmon’s T19 blog is a daily read for me.

Christian Apologetics Society; a good reminder for those of you who take the trouble to pray and comment thoughtfully–it does not go unnoticed–KSH.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet

4 comments on “Notable and Quotable

  1. Alice Linsley says:

    A timely reminder from our most excellent blog host!

    But what’s to hate about Mother Teresa?

  2. Larry Morse says:

    An nice medal to pin to a chest, yes?
    As to what’s to hate, read Hitchens on Mother Theresa in last weeks Time – or was it Newsweek?
    I recommended its publication to Kendall. It is brutal, to put it kindly. Larry

  3. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    what’s to hate? The living faith of an orthodox woman that leaves those who avoid such light somewhat exposed in their souls?
    We could ask what was to hate about Jesus, or Brother Roger, or Deitrich Bonhoeffer, or S. Peter, or Maximillian Kolbe, or the living Pope Benedict and on and on

  4. edistobeachwalker says:

    I like a number of the commenters on the blog, and the fact that numerous bright non-reasserters post here.