An all-day blog celebration of Kendall's 50th Birthday!!!

Kendall turns 50 today!! To mark this occasion, we elves, with the encouragement and collaboration of certain of Kendall’s close family members, are hijacking the blog today, totally unbeknownst to Kendall! We have lots of fun surprises planned, so check back often throughout the day.


Posted in * Admin, * By Kendall, Harmon Family

5 comments on “An all-day blog celebration of Kendall's 50th Birthday!!!

  1. MargaretG says:

    Happy Birthday – life begins at 50.

  2. azusa says:

    Sto lat!
    Ad multos annos!
    Congratulations, brother. Take the afternoon off.

  3. James Manley says:

    Congratulations! You are half-way to retirement!

    Happy Birthday. Enjoy it.

  4. Londoner says:

    Happy Birthday, Sir!
    Thanks for all you do for us in the AC!

  5. The_Elves says:

    Please feel free to leave further comments here on the open thread for birthday greetings. Apologies for any confusion from the Elves