Kendall's 50th Birthday Bash – An Open Thread for Best Wishes, Appreciation & Remembrances

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Kendall turns 50 today!! To mark this occasion, we elves, with the encouragement and collaboration of certain of Kendall’s close family members, are hijacking the blog today, totally unbeknownst to Kendall! We have lots of fun surprises planned, so check back often throughout the day.

We’d like to invite all TitusOneNine readers to join in the celebration of Kendall’s 50th birthday today. We encourage you to share your greetings, and best wishes on this thread. Even more, we would invite readers to share their appreciation of Kendall, a remembrance of some time you met him or heard him speak, a funny story… Help us all celebrate his life and ministry today by joining in!

Note: you can also honor Kendall by contributing to the open thread Kendall prepared for today and share your own favorite birthday memories.

Posted in * Admin, * By Kendall, Harmon Family

75 comments on “Kendall's 50th Birthday Bash – An Open Thread for Best Wishes, Appreciation & Remembrances

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    Congratulations and many years to you!

    Christ is risen!

  2. off2 says:

    He is Risen Indeed!

    Happy birthday. 50 IS rather special.


  3. Terry Tee says:

    Propelled across the internet
    his witness comes sure and clear
    a man of faith and intellect
    encouragement and good cheer.

    It’s Kendall’s fiftieth birthday –
    when all reasserters rejoice.
    But others who insist on a new way
    draw back at the sound of his voice.

    So arise now Sir Harmon and flourish!
    Son of Illinois and Oxford. For still
    There is work to be done and a race to be run
    and Christ himself waits at the finish.

  4. Ian Montgomery says:

    Happy birthday O youngster. You have achieved so much in such a short time. Blessings for the next half.
    Ian Montgomery+

  5. Rev. Patti Hale says:

    Bless you brother! Thank you for being YOU!

  6. The_Elves says:

    [i](comment has been transferred from an earlier thread ) – elves[/i]

    MargaretG wrote:

    Happy Birthday – life begins at 50.

  7. The_Elves says:

    [i](comment has been transferred from an earlier thread ) – elves[/i]
    azusa wrote:

    Sto lat!
    Ad multos annos!
    Congratulations, brother. Take the afternoon off.

  8. The_Elves says:

    [i](comment has been transferred from an earlier thread ) – elves[/i]

    James Manley wrote:

    Congratulations! You are half-way to retirement!

    Happy Birthday. Enjoy it.

  9. The_Elves says:

    [i](comment has been transferred from an earlier thread ) – elves[/i]

    Londoner wrote:

    Happy Birthday, Sir!
    Thanks for all you do for us in the AC!

  10. dpchalk+ says:

    “For he’s a jolly good fellow and so say all of us!”
    “Many years!”
    Happy Birthday, Kendall!
    david chalk+

  11. Bruce says:

    With thanks for your important ministry, and for all the great things you do for all of us. Have a great day of celebration with friends and family, and abundant blessings in the *next* fifty years!

    Bruce Robison

  12. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    Dear Kendal,

    May God bless you and may you have a very happy birthday.
    May all your days be filled with peace and may you abound in grace.
    May the Lord’s favor and fortune be yours for all of your days.
    May you live in Joy forever. In the name of our dear Lord Jesus, Amen.

  13. NoVA Scout says:

    Happy birthday, Kendall. You share birthdays with my wife, so this adds to the celebratory mood around our household. I am a voracious reader of all sorts of news, but I am finding your site to be sufficient and complete for nearly all my information needs. That it provides spiritual guidance and daily devotionals is a wonderful bonus. It’s a lot of work, but I’m very grateful for your efforts.

  14. Timothy Fountain says:

    Blessings upon the Pandora who opened so wide the eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil box o’ Anglican blogging! Thanks for your encouragement to others and may many blessings come back your way.

  15. The Lakeland Two says:

    Am honored to pass this on:

    [blockquote]Please wish him Happy Birthday for me.

    [i]The Right Rev. John W. Howe [/i]
    Episcopal Bishop of Central Florida

  16. The Lakeland Two says:

    Happy Birthday, Kendall+! May God bless your day and the coming year mightily – as much or more as you do us!

  17. BlueOntario says:

    Happy birthday, OM! Enjoy this special day.

  18. Jeremy Bonner says:

    Congratulations on reaching your half-century. I suspect we ain’t seen nothing yet.

  19. CanaAnglican says:

    Happy 50th Birthday, Kendall+ ! However, if you so choose, you can view all this as moving from forty-nine to forty-ten. In that case happy forty-tenth !!!

  20. Sarah says:

    Woo hoo!!!

    I’m so glad you were born, Kendall. What a relief. My days would be far more boring had you not been. ; > )

    Happy Birthday!

    But . . . what does all of this have to do with your not blogging? It is possible to have a birthday and still blog!

  21. Dan Crawford says:

    50, eh? Nearly sixteen years beyond that, I can only mutter, “He’s still a kid.”

    Happy Birthday = ad multos annos.

  22. Paula Loughlin says:

    Happy Birthday. May God continue to look upon you with favor and always give your heart joy.

  23. Formerly Marion R. says:

    Happy Birthday, Kendall, and here’s to four years without having to go to Anglicans Online!

  24. David Fischler says:

    Happy birthday, Kendall, and may God bless you with many more! Thank you for all you do for the Lord, for the sake of the orthodox faith, and for the people of God worldwide.

  25. Jim Workman says:

    Happy Birthday Kendall,

    You have fought the good fight.

    Peace to you,

    Jim Workman
    Easley, SC

  26. john1 says:

    Fifty years are won and done,
    the fifty-first has just begun.
    Happy sailing through all the rest
    For the best is yet to come.

    O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we
    pray, on your servant Kendall as he begins another year. Grant
    that he may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen his
    trust in your goodness all the days of his life; through Jesus
    Christ our Lord.
    our Lord. [i] Amen [/i]

  27. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    A very Happy Birthday from one 50 year old to another. Onwards and upwards.

  28. Creighton+ says:

    God bless you brother…and Happy Birthday…..

  29. Dan Tuton+ says:

    Happy B’day, Kendall!

  30. NewTrollObserver says:

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

  31. Undergroundpewster says:

    Happy Birthday, time for that all important 50 year check up.

  32. Ralinda says:

    A blessed 50th year to you, Kendall. And remember, 50 is the new 30, except for the first hour or so every morning when the joints and muscles are warming up!

  33. Laura R. says:

    Congratulations and very best wishes!

  34. Br. Michael says:

    Happy Birthday. God’s blessings on all the Kendalls.

  35. tjmcmahon says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Prayers and best wishes for you on this special day.
    And thanks for all the gifts you have shared with us over the years.

    PS- Am I the only one who is somewhat shaken by the fact that there is a canon theologian younger than I am?

  36. Christopher Johnson says:

    Fifty? Five decades? Half a century? One twentieth of a millennium? You’re only fitty?!!


    Seriously, congratulations, big man.

  37. Sherri2 says:

    Blessings on the Harmons and happy birthday Kendall+!

  38. zana says:

    Thank you, Kendall, for all your wise words and encouragement throughout the years – T19 has been a oasis in the desert for many people. May God grant you much peace and happiness in the years to come! 😎

  39. Connie Sandlin says:

    Well, ain’t it grand
    and ain’t it nifty?
    Kendall Harmon’s
    turning FIFTY!

    Happy Birthday, Father.

  40. LumenChristie says:

    All joy and blessings — the first 50 years are the hardest.

    Many happy returns of the day.

    Thanks again for providing those of us out in the “hinterlands” a way to stay connected.

    Much cake and ice cream. happiest of Birthdays!

  41. Clueless says:

    Subu upandiniyak! (Happy Birthday, Sinhalese)

    And may your next 50 be even happier!

  42. Cennydd says:

    [b]Hapus pen-blwydd, Kendall![/b] in Welsh.

  43. pendennis88 says:

    Happy Birthday, and many thanks for your efforts over the years. But I am confused; 50 is not old.

  44. Langley Granbery says:

    Happy Birthday Kendall! I just want to say how much I appreciate you and all you do! I have been a daily visitor to this site for a number of years but just registered today in honor of your 50th.

  45. Albeit says:

    You know what they’ll say about you some 60 years from now?


  46. CherieD says:

    Happiest of Birthdays, Kendall!
    Rob & I will always be thankful for the excellent start both you & Elizabeth helped us make on our Christian walk.
    Many, many blessings to you.
    Cherie Dalley

  47. drjoan says:

    You are a BLESSING!
    Gen. 12:12

  48. art says:

    We give out moro bars for birthdays at our local church. Alas! They are not communicable via the ether of cyberspace … yet ([i]pace[/i] mr spock/scottie et al!) – apologies! So simple greetings will have to suffice for reaching half a ton: thank you and thank our Good Lord for the great stewardship that is your unique life.

  49. Keith Bramlett says:

    Happy 50th Kendall! I heard you speak at Plano West about “the iceberg”. Great talk, great blog. Thanks!

  50. dsh+ says:

    Happy birthday, Kendall. I am grateful for your life and ministry.

    David Houk+

  51. more martha than mary says:

    Wow! I’ve loved looking at the photos all day! What a well-lived life!
    You are greatly loved …one can tell!
    Happy Birthday, Kendall! Thanks for all that you do for so many of us in the trenches!

  52. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    Lawrenceville, eh? Marshall Chambers was my uncle. He and Ginny spoke so fondly of their students many times, and I suspect you were one of them. Happy Birthday.

  53. Dacama says:

    Happy Birthday Kendall. After 50 comes the regular afternoon naps.
    Enjoy..they are a blessing.

  54. DeeBee says:

    Greetings, Kendall – Many, many happy returns of the day, and may God continue to rain blessings down upon you and your family!!
    Know that you are loved, by God and by all of us (as you can tell, we’ve tried to leave as little room for doubt as possible 😀 ).

  55. yohanelejos says:

    Kendall, a very happy birthday! I hope you have a very blessed day with people who love and care about you. Thank you for everything you have done in the service of the Lord!

  56. Fr. Christopher Cantrell+ says:

    I’m slightly late so – Happy Belated Birthday!

    Welcome to the Club!

  57. DonGander says:


    Been there, done that.

    I think it is the “grand-kids” thing that really makes it worth while….

    I hope that you are soon equally blessed!!


  58. Tami says:

    Have a very happy and blessed birthday!

  59. New Reformation Advocate says:

    There is only one Kendall Harmon. But I sure wish there were a lot more like him. Deo gratias.

    Happy birthday, Kendall. May the coming year be the best one yet.
    [i]”The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until full day”[/i] (Prov. 4:18).

    David Handy+

  60. David Hein says:

    Happy birthday, Kendall, and many happy returns of the day!


  61. Phil says:

    Happy Birthday, Kendall! Many years!

  62. J. Champlin says:

    As an “anonymous” fan, let me add my best wishes. Alas, I have never gotten to know Kendall. But there is nothing comparable to the blog. Many happy years — and through all of them, may the church benefit from breadth of interest and depth of understanding! Whatever the technology might be, but I’m sure you will be cutting edge.

  63. Peter Mitchell says:

    To borrow an apostle’s commendation, we can truly say about about Kendall Harmon: “A servant of Christ Jesus…always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. For I bear him witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in” far flung places. Happy birthday, Kendall!

  64. dwstroudmd+ says:

    I would like to point out that Kendall shares the day with both Thomas Jefferson and myself. Happy belated birthday!

  65. PHWhite says:

    You all should have seen Kendall at Christ St Paul’s on Yonges Island Sunday, at the altar wearing a do-rag, loaded up with old-age pharmaceuticals and trying to keep a straight face . . . Priceless! Thank you for being a great sport, Kendall, and for all you do for your parishioners and friends! We love you!

  66. Neal in Dallas says:

    Kendall, you are a gift to the Church, and I am proud to call you my friend. Neal Michell

  67. Richard A. Menees says:

    Buon compleano a te.

    Buon compleano a te.

    Buon compleano caro Kendall.

    Buon compleano a te.

    As we used to sing to the usual tune at the protestant orphanage in Italy where I was first a missionary.

    You enrich the family of God. Many thanks for so many of the good theological thoughts you have posted from the great ones and for your own thoughts shared that give so much help. Tanti auguri e buona festa!

    Richard A. Menees
    Uganda Christian University Partners

  68. ocamp says:

    Happy Birthday Kendall !!! Keep up the good fight and thank you for being faithful for so many years. I pray for many quiet years to come!

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by frost.

    God bless = Oeland Camp

  69. Rob Eaton+ says:

    apparently, a name of Anglo-Saxon origin.

    Crist aras!

    The Harmon Coat of Arms was granted to John Harmon, Bishop of Exeter. Harmon was born about 1465 at Sutton-Coldfield, Warwickshire, England, and died there in More Hall on October 23, 1554. He was buried on the north side of the chancel of the church at Sutton where a monument was erected to his memory. On an escutcheon over the east window of the south aisle of the church are the Bishop of Exeter’s coat of arms, and the same arms are under the King’s arms on the south wall of the north aisle, and on the north wall of the south aisle. (By William Dugdale, 1730)

    Visitation of 1574 — Argent on a cross sable, a buck’s head cabossed and four martlets of the first, on a chief azure, a cross flory between two roses or. (Burke’s General Armory.)

    The name Harmon has a rich and ancient history. It is an Anglo-Saxon name that was originally derived from Herman or Hermannus. The names are really the same; it was a common practice for scribes to record a given name in the Latin style, where use is the masculine suffix. The personal name meant warrior having derived from the Old French word hermant, or from the Old German words hariman or hereman, all of which meant “warrior”. This name came to England in the wake of the Norman Conquest in 1066, where William the Conqueror defeated the Anglo-Saxon nobility and killed King Harold to take the throne of England. After the war, there was a wave of immigration into England from continental Europe, especially from France and Germany.

    First found in Suffolk where they were seated from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.

    Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Charles Harman who settled in Virginia in 1622; Augustine Harman settled in Maryland in 1666 along with his wife, three sons and four daughters; Francis Harman settled in New England in 1635. (Swyrich Corporation 2006)

    The above was just for fun on your birthday.
    For me, it is the last year of a decade that causes me the most grief in another year older, not the first year of a new decade. May this new decade bring you the blessings of God through Christ as you minister in his anointing and gifting.
    And may your wife continue to put up with you.
    With love and prayer.

  70. Rob Eaton+ says:

    And I forgot to mention that Ellen G. White’s maiden name was Harmon. Hmmm.

  71. Katherine says:

    I didn’t check the blog, because Kendall was taking a couple of days off. That will teach me! Blessings on Kendall’s new year and new decade! And many thanks for blogging over the past decade.

  72. Tired of Hypocrisy says:

    Happy Birthday, Kendall! Thank you so much for this rich resource to us!

  73. jric777 says:

    Happy Birthday, Kendall! Thank you for providing such an amazing resource for us!

  74. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    A great big Happy Birthday!! I know so many people who are happy at 50…


  75. jamesw says:

    happy birthday to you kendall….and to think God had all this in store when we met after you graduated from college and went off to regent in Vancouver, BC… ok, folks, just call me for the stories of kendall as a young college grad (young man!) soaking in all regent had to offer…. happy birthday to you and blessings to you, your wife and family…much love in Christ, the rev. ben (related to ja.)