Kendall Harmon: Special Note on Blog Content

For the Easter season and a major special occasion in the family, I am taking Monday and Tuesday off from full blogging and will be back Wednesday. There will be one open thread each day–thanks–KSH.


Posted in * Admin, * By Kendall, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet

9 comments on “Kendall Harmon: Special Note on Blog Content

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Fine. You deserve a break, Kendall. There’s that whole Sabbath principle that seems to apply. Maybe you need a team to help you, like on Stand Firm, so it’s not all up to you. After all, you’ve already got the Elves…

    Anyway, I hope the major special family occasion is a joyous one.

    David Handy+

  2. Jeremy Bonner says:

    I think we can agree with that sentiment, +David. I don’t know how Kendall manages it. The ultimate multitasker!

  3. Blue Cat Man says:

    Enjoy your brief weekly hiatus from blogging, Kendall+. Hope the special family occasion is one of joy and family togetherness.

  4. Sarah says:

    This is outrageous.

    What could be more important than maintaining this blog??? What could be a higher priority than giving crumbs to the birdlets who are sitting here in the nest with their mouths wide open?

    One open thread each day?? This is not living in the style to which we have become accustomed!!


    And NRA . . . “After all, you’ve already got the Elves…” — that’s a [i]bug[/i], not a feature. I don’t know how poor Kendall functions with all the elves littering up the place interfering, deleting comments, editing thingies, hectoring us all, and preventing us from dropping our pearls of wisdom on various threads.

    The only “special occasion” I can think of that is worthy of taking two days off is having a good solid roistering elf hunt, and clearing the place of those creatures, and then sponsoring a good barbecue roast.

  5. Jackie says:

    There seems to be some serious confusion here. Could you clarify exactly who approved this time off? Heads will roll.

  6. Sarah says:

    Agreed Jackie.

    Is there some oversight here, to whom Kendall is accountable for this inexplicable leave?

  7. Jeremy Bonner says:


    Do you really want to bring the Stand Firm style of elf hunts to T19? Where’s your sense of decorum? 🙂

  8. dawson says:

    could be someones birthday

  9. Ann McCarthy says:

    It is his birthday tomorrow – or, rather, today on the East Coast. Happy Birthday!