Cherie Wetzel–Singapore: Those in attendance

Check it out.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Global South Churches & Primates, Global South to South Encounter 4 in Singapore April 2010

5 comments on “Cherie Wetzel–Singapore: Those in attendance

  1. robroy says:

    Also check out: Cheryl Wetzel also has the text of the video address of Rowan Williams to the gathering which you can also find [url=]here[/url].

    Rowan states “There are no quick solutions for the wounds of the body of Christ.” That is certainly true if you have someone Rowan torpedoing any attempts to address the issue. He reminds me of the green queen in C.S. Lewis’ The Silver Chair: while strumming his instrument, he slowly sings, “Go back to sleep, there is no Narnia, there is no Narnia, there is no Aslan,…”

  2. Jeff Thimsen says:

    Is there significance to the heading Anclican Communion in North America, instead of Anglican Church in North America?

  3. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I doubt it, Jeff; it’s probably just a mistake on Mrs. Wetzel’s part. The ACNA seems well represented. Not only are ++Duncan and +Guernsey there (along with the AAC’s Fr. Phil Ashey), but +Bill Atwood is there (though listed as part of the Kenya delegation), and +Chuck Murphy too (though listed with Rwanda). I’m a little surprised that no one from CANA is there, but ++Duncan does after all represent the whole ACNA. And that includes Canada. Anglican TV’s interview with +Don Harvey suggests that the head of the ANiC is there too.

    One surprising omission though. Wetzel doesn’t list anyone there from the Church of South India. The smaller, weaker Church of North India is there, so I’d certainly expect the CSI to be represented. Maybe the list is incomplete.

    Anyway, I’m glad that both +Mark Lawrence and +John Howe are there to represent the Communion Partners and the wider orthdox minority left in TEC.

    Can anyone tell me how many hours ahead Singapore is? It must be Wednesday morning there already.

    David Handy+

  4. Todd Granger says:

    Unless mistaken, I believe that Bishop Martyn Minns appears in a couple of the photographs posted at the Global South Anglican website, so I presume that he is there to represent the CANA cohort of the ACNA.

    I was surprised to see the CSI absent as well, and I’m not sure that it’s due to the list’s incompleteness, because I can recall bemusement over several other lists having to do with various Global South Anglican doings that included the CNI but not the CSI.

    (And I think that Dr Handy is correct about ACNA’s designation in the list. The Church of North India is listed as the “Consolidated Churches of North India” and one of their participants as the “Speaker”, when the correct forms – if memory serves – are the “United Church of North India” and “Moderator”.)

  5. art says:

    Probably too late for this link David Handy:
