Tara Parker-Pope–The Science of a Happy Marriage

Why do some men and women cheat on their partners while others resist the temptation?

To find the answer, a growing body of research is focusing on the science of commitment. Scientists are studying everything from the biological factors that seem to influence marital stability to a person’s psychological response after flirting with a stranger.

Their findings suggest that while some people may be naturally more resistant to temptation, men and women can also train themselves to protect their relationships and raise their feelings of commitment.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Marriage & Family, Psychology, Science & Technology

One comment on “Tara Parker-Pope–The Science of a Happy Marriage

  1. robroy says:

    “While there may be genetic differences that influence commitment, other studies suggest that the brain can be trained to resist temptation.”

    Where have I heard this before? What about, “God doesn’t make mistakes, so we should bless Her works.” Why no outrage against methods for (presumed) heterosexual couples to resist temptation towards infidelity whereas the [url=http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2010/may/10050314.html ]California Society of Therapists is threatening to kick out any practitioners of reparative therapy? [/url]