Canadian Anglicans aim to defuse gay-marriage issue

The Anglican Church of Canada has agreed to disagree when it comes to the fractious debate over gay marriage.

When priests, bishops and laypersons gather Friday for nine days of debate and discussion as part of the church’s tri-annual General Synod in Halifax, the approach will be much different than three years ago, Archdeacon Paul Feheley said.

“This synod, we’re approaching it not so much from the form of a winner-takes-all resolution,” he said. “We’re approaching it from a kind of conversational route and hoping by the end of synod, after numerous conversations and meetings . . . that the synod may come up with a statement on where the church is on this matter.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces

4 comments on “Canadian Anglicans aim to defuse gay-marriage issue

  1. j.m.c. says:

    = begin implementing it more but not requiring it for the next couple of years.

  2. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Stand Firm is running a nice thread on the infamous “Delphi Technique” that seems to lie behind this verbal smokescreen. It’s a deplorable form of covert group manipulation.

    When trust has been badly broken, for trust to be regained, there must be complete transparency and honesty. Unfortunately, honest, open debate is exactly what this type of engineered “discussion” is designed to prevent.

    David Handy+

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    EcUSA/TEc playbook. ABC lookie, lookie! It’s spreading, perhaps as you wish and certainly as you have not acted to delimit.

  4. Chris Taylor says:

    More Indaba anyone?