Pope says Faith in God is Reasonable

It is not foolish to have faith in God, on the contrary it is reasonable, because, as St Thomas Aquinas taught, human intelligence is limited and cannot know everything. For a third week Pope Benedict XVI dedicated his Wednesday audience to the Angelic Doctor, in particular to his master work in theology, the “Summa Theologiae”.

In comments in Italian the Pope said : “To those who object that faith is foolish because it makes us believe something that does not enter into the experience of the senses, St. Thomas offers a very detailed response, claiming that this is an inconsistent objection because human intelligence is limited and cannot know everything”.

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic, Theology

One comment on “Pope says Faith in God is Reasonable

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I sure wish the ABoC would try to do something like this. The cathedra of a pope or any bishop is supposed to be the chair of a teacher, and Pope Benedict XVI is a masterful teacher of the Christian faith and life. As is +Tom Wright. There is no substitute for clear, basic presentations (like this) of the essentials of Christianity that address fundamental topics in a way that’s easily accessible.

    David Handy+