National same sex union debate prompts breakup at flagship Episcopal church in San Antonio

In its storied 99-year history, Christ Episcopal Church has fashioned itself into a pillar of orthodox beliefs, Anglican heritage and charismatic fervor for spreading Christian salvation worldwide.

But in recent years, a gut-wrenching question has tested the bonds of this spiritual family.

Should it leave its parent organization, the Episcopal Church, for making unwelcome liberal changes by accepting openly gay and lesbian clergy and modernizing time-honored theology?

One group had enough.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Conflicts, TEC Parishes

7 comments on “National same sex union debate prompts breakup at flagship Episcopal church in San Antonio

  1. dpchalk+ says:

    Interesting article and interesting comments after the article. This is a real matter of concern locally. I’m in W TX and, just today, was asked (I’m quoting from the email of a prospective family) “What is [your parish and school’s] stand on homosexuality? We know that there are various views under the Episcopalian umbrella as in all denominations, but I recall that it was the Episcopal Church that ordained homosexual ministers.
    To which I responded, “[Our] ‘stand on homosexuality’ is consistent with the stance of The Diocese of West Texas and the Anglican Communion, namely that homosexuality is sinful and not God’s intention for human beings. It is not an alternative life style and the Church neither condones nor blesses it. We also do not believe that anyone actively engaged in sinful behaviors may have a leadership position in the Church. Having said that, we do not vilify homosexuals (or anyone else engaged in any other sin); but rather through the grace and mercy of God we try and love people into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.”

  2. Intercessor says:

    Ah yes…everything is cordial and nice….until the lawsuits are filed.

  3. Teatime2 says:

    I really don’t think there will be lawsuits. Bishops Lillibridge and Read are South Texans and they’re not “company men,” even though the article seems to make +Lillibridge sound like one.

  4. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Right, Teatime2 (#3). More importantly, those departing TEC aren’t claiming any of the property or assets, so why would there be a lawsuit? Actually, I think both sides in this unwelcome split have acted honorably and commendably. I hope that pattern continues.

    I think it’s a fine article. Perhaps it’s somewhat shallow, but at least it’s fair and objective. With a name like Abe Levy, it makes me wonder if the staffwriter is Jewish, which might help account for the neutrality. In any case, it’s refreshing since it’s all too rare.

    Christ Church and its new ACNA offshoot will be a very important case to watch, as things develop. Especially after the widely-admired former rector, Chuck Collins+, comes out of his sabbatical and finally declares his intentions. That’s when things will start getting interesting.

    David Handy+

  5. New Reformation Advocate says:

    dpchalk+ (#1).

    Great non-defensive response to that inquiry. You have an admirable bishop, but the breakup of the biggest and most influential parish in the diocese has got to have a significant impact on the diocese of W. TX, and not just financially. Best wishes.

    David Handy+

  6. Intercessor says:

    There must be a lawsuit! Do not get too comfy that there will not be one simply because it is a Mission of the Episcopal Church to sue anyone at anytime for anything. There must be something somewhere to sue over to protect their heritage and polity.

  7. NoVA Scout says:

    the only lawsuits have been where departing parishioners assert claims on property. I don’t think there has every been a lawsuit over people leaving. This is entirely a personal decision and there is no way the secular courts could ever insert themselves into such a choice.

    No. 1’s response seems just about perfect. Kudos.