What distinguishes your church? We have a very broad theology that embraces both ends of the spectrum between Catholicism and Protestantism. The idea that we are open to anyone regardless of belief traditions, race, class, gender, orientation. We all sort of come together under the understanding that we are faithful people.
Looking at the R&S chart of the church, there’s clearly A Story there. ASA in 2008 was just under 100, with membership about 170, unusually low considering attendance (or the other way around, if you’re thinking positively, but hey). What is striking is that ASA a decade ago was more like 170, and membership was over 400. A year later, in 2006, membership was down to about 280 and attendance was around 85. Obviously, Something Happened.
On their website we have a FAQ page which contains the following:
I am not sure what to make of the lack of mention of the resurrection in this, or anywhere else on the page.
Sometimes, to get the breadth you want, you just have to give up any depth.
Following Wingate’s lead, St. John’s had a tough 2002 through 2008 experience with Members down from 375 to 170, ASA down from 180 to 100, and Plate & Pledge down from $200K to $150K when adjusted for inflation. Can’t blame the Rev. Jankowski for this, as he arrived in 2009 after being priested in 2007. Perhaps, the 2009 TEC Chart will show that he has turned things around. They have plenty of room for growth as the church seats 299. Statmann