Father Robert J. Spitzer–The Curious Metaphysics of Dr. Stephen Hawking


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Science & Technology

4 comments on “Father Robert J. Spitzer–The Curious Metaphysics of Dr. Stephen Hawking

  1. Jeff Thimsen says:

    Fr. Spitzer is the recently retired president of Gonzaga University. A brillent mind and a wonderful person. GO ZAGS!

  2. DTerwilliger says:

    Fr. Spitzer is a brilliant mind and a humble person. I met him while studying at Gonzaga and really appreciated his leadership as university president. I heard Fr. Spitzer give a lecture there on the cross of Christ which was not only an intense scholarly presentation but literally one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard. It was both theological explication and proclamation at the same time. I truly admire him and his deep faith and learning – he exhibits the Jesuit ideal.

  3. DTerwilliger says:

    I have not read Hawking’s book but I don’t understand how an EFFECT (gravity) in the universe can be the CAUSE of the universe’s existence? Is that really what Hawking’s is saying? Given the kind of universe that we have – one where gravity is explained or described as a geometric property of time and space (a ‘la Einstein) – then how can gravity pre-exist our universe and thus bring it into existence? An EFFECT cannot be its own CAUSE.

  4. montanan says:

    Hawking is a brilliant mind; therefore it can only be a more brilliant deception by the Enemy which makes one such as him so oblivious to the hole in his thinking, that such as I can immediately spot it. This is always what has been laughable about the non-creationists: If we, for the sake of discussion, allow there is no God or ‘divine force’ or ‘creative being’, then where does the stuff of which the big bang (or other creative event) come from? It really is laughable.