The East African–African Anglican churches push to break away from Canterbury

The process that will end in the Anglican Church splitting up has begun with the Canterbury – the headquarters of the church – disengaging itself from Africa, Asia and Australia.

African Anglicans are reportedly taking a lead role by mobilising their colleagues in Asia, South America and Australia to come together under the Global South umbrella.

Sources at the August 23-29 2nd All Africa Bishops Conference in Entebbe, Uganda told The EastAfrican that key consultations on the schism were held at the sidelines of the main meeting and would be concluded after engaging members from Asia, South America and Australia[…]

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, - Anglican: Latest News, Africa, Anglican Provinces, Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England (CoE)

3 comments on “The East African–African Anglican churches push to break away from Canterbury

  1. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    It all is but the inevitable outworking of a powerful but intellectually and spiritually bankrupt and exhausted post-Modernism — one demographically moribund as well, for they have aborted so many of their children who might otherwise have carried on.

    Because the Anglican Communion has had the dreadful misfortune of being headed by a post-Modern academic in its time of greatest trial, the end result will be a rump church of over-educated, over-fed white people who continue to believe they have the natural right to “lead” others and tell them what to do.

    In that respect it tragi-comically echoes the exhausted and moribund European aristocracy of the 1930s who remained stubborn in their belief it was their duty and right to lead because, well, they were the leaders.

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    It looks like the Global South may have decided that the time for endless dialogue is over. If so, then I applaud their decision. I feel badly for RW. He really is not an ogre. That said the man is simply not made of the sort of material one looks for in a great bishop, especially one who holds a position with Anglicanism that is somewhat analogous to a patriarchate. He should have been a professor somewhere and spent his life writing books. A bishop needs to know what the pointy end of the crozier is for. I don’t think anyone even told him there was a pointy end.

    In any event, it’s all too late now. Things have gone well past the point of no return.

    God’s will be done.

  3. beyondfedup says:

    I’ve grown so weary, I’d love for them to take me with them.