2011 Anglican Communion Primates' Meeting to be held in Ireland

(ACNS) The next Primates’ Meeting of the Anglican Communion will be held in Ireland between the 25th and 31st January, 2011.

Senior bishops from Churches across the Communion will be invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams to attend the meeting taking place at the Emmaus Retreat & Conference Centre in Dublin, Ireland.
The Primates’ Meeting was established in 1978 by Archbishop Donald Coggan (101st Archbishop of Canterbury) as an opportunity for “leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation” and has met regularly since then. Today it has become an important consultative meeting for Primates and Moderators and is recognised as one of the Instruments of Communion.

Recent Primates’ Meetings have been held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in 2007 and Alexandria, Egypt in 2009.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Primates, Anglican Provinces, Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of Ireland, England / UK, Ireland

19 comments on “2011 Anglican Communion Primates' Meeting to be held in Ireland

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Until we know who is invited, we won’t know what the prospects of success are for this, or indeed what the future of its convenor will be in the Communion. I wonder if he is bright enough to realise that?

    May God give him strength, and thank God for sending him the Pope to give him encouragement today.

  2. A Senior Priest says:

    “leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation” Too bad they haven’t tried this in the somewhat recent past.

  3. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Is it anywhere near Blarney?

  4. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    Can’t hold them at bay forever, huh?!!

  5. Cennydd13 says:

    I think ++Williams knows that if Mrs Schori is invited, the African primates (except for two of them) won’t attend. And if they don’t, the AC might as well close up shop.

  6. yohanelejos says:

    Yes, it’s a short comment, but no indabas!

  7. Pageantmaster Ù† says:


  8. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Followed by…..

    Continuing Inblarney

  9. David Hein says:

    “The Primates’ Meeting was established in 1978 by Archbishop Donald Coggan (101st Archbishop of Canterbury) as an opportunity for ‘leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation’ and has met regularly since then.”

    I can’t help thinking that Abp Donald Coggan is a little bit underappreciated. The Primates’ Meeting was certainly a good idea, and, more broadly, Coggan wrote some excellent stuff, some of which we excerpt in Spiritual Counsel in the Anglican Tradition. I don’t know him or his work well, but I can’t help thinking he’s the sort of person we don’t want to lose sight of. The archbishops (of Canterbury) on either side of Michael Ramsey get a bit lost in our collective memory. But both Fisher and Coggan made real contributions, I think.

    And among the Instruments of Communion, isn’t the Primates’ Meeting one of the better ones? Doesn’t it best represent a conciliar principle of ecclesiastical governance which, historically and theologically, has much to commend it?

  10. Chazaq says:

    [blockquote] And among the Instruments of Communion, isn’t the Primates’ Meeting one of the better ones? [/blockquote]

    Uh, no. It is the one that shows that there is no communion, because the Primates representing the majority of Anglicans don’t share Holy Communion with the Primates representing the deviant provinces.

  11. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    #5, I think she should be invited, and all should attend–so she can explain to everyone present how/why she booted the DeS Communique.

  12. KingDavid says:

    #11, that’s what was said before Dar Es Salaam–that Schori should be there in order to explain herself. But she simply pretended to be in accord and then sabotaged the Dar results.

  13. Katherine says:

    It all hinges on the invitation list. If Archbishop Williams plans to continue on as if nothing has happened, I hope the South bishops will decline to play.

  14. Albeit says:

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if the possible breakup of the Anglican Communion could be blamed on the orthodox African Primates and not the Provinces which initiated it?

  15. Ralph says:

    Unfortunately, it seems to be more Inblasphemy than Inblarney.

    I think the Primates should make it clear, now, that their attendance is contingent on the US Presiding Bishop’s not being invited. Many do not recognize her as ever having been in Holy Orders since she is female. Some see her as having de facto resigned Holy Orders by her actions in office as Bishop of Nevada and her particularly malevolent actions in the office of PB.

    It’s obvious that her being there is not in the interest of unity of the Anglican Communion.

  16. off2 says:

    I wonder if the rules of engagement for the Primates’ Meeting include the concept of a quorum? And what happens for lack thereof?

    #14, Albeit – “possible breakup of the Anglican Communion” ???
    Uh, since the members of the communion do not share Communion, I suggest it is beyond the “possible” stage.

  17. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    #14, I’m sure that’s been part of the strategy all along, as if the person who files for the divorce is the one who is a “failure”.

  18. Albeit says:

    I’ll stick by my statement in #14. As an old Navy veteran, experience tells me that although a ship may be run up on a reef or shoal, it takes unbelievably very rough seas, often for quite a extended period of time before it to actually breaks up. Until that happens, salvage may well be possible. Based on what I know, the breaking of the keel is the ultimate sign of doom for a ship in that situation. I, for one, can’t say that the keel of the A.C. has yet broken.

    A reminder, the +++ABC was present at the recent meeting of African Primates and was treated as an honored participant. That would not have happened if the breakup of the Anglican Communion had already occurred. With this in mind, though the vessel may be battered and assailed, I will continue to use the term “possible,” so long as the keel of the ship called “The Anglican Communion” appears to be intact.

  19. Cennydd13 says:

    I think Schori’s shown that she can indeed be trusted……to sabotage things.