(Zenit) US Roman Catholic Bishops: Pregnancy Isn't a Disease

In a letter dated Sept. 17 to the department [of Health and Human Services], the bishops’ conference general counsel, Anthony Picarello, and associate general counsel, Michael Moses, expressed the “particular concern” of the prelates regarding the proposed mandate of contraceptives and sterilization as preventive services.

“To prevent pregnancy is not to prevent a disease,” it stated. “Indeed, contraception and sterilization pose their own unique and serious health risks to the patient.”

The letter pointed out that these “services” are also “morally problematic for many stakeholders, including religiously-affiliated health care providers and insurers.”

“In our view,” it affirmed, “prescription contraception as well as chemical and surgical sterilization are particularly inappropriate candidates for inclusion under mandated ‘preventive services’ for all health plans.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Health & Medicine, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic