Tonight I begin a local class on C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity and an Introduction to Apologetics

You can find information on St Paul’s Theological School here and the classes offered there.

i would appreciate your prayers–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, * South Carolina, Apologetics, Seminary / Theological Education, Theology

11 comments on “Tonight I begin a local class on C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity and an Introduction to Apologetics

  1. Sarah says:

    Any chance this will be recorded, and offered online to people trapped in other dioceses with bishops who couldn’t care less about such a primitivist as Lewis [she squeaked]?

  2. wvanglican says:

    I agree with #1, having these talks available on audio would be a great resource.

  3. j.m.c. says:

    There’s apparently also a “video track” to these classes – a bit more (but not a lot) of info at Rev. Woods’ blog –

  4. TreadingGrain says:

    @Sarah, yes, we will be making a DVD of Kendall’s teaching. #3 noted that we have other video courses available as well, all with course outlines. You can follow the links provided by Kendall in the original post and by #3, above to both my blog and our St. Paul’s website for more information. Personally speaking, the “Godpod” link on our St. Paul’s page is a wonderful resource.
    Steve Wood

  5. Langley Granbery says:

    I trust the class will go well. The St. Paul’s Theological Centre sounds like a great resource for your area.

  6. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Excellent – I look forward to watching the Kendallcast. May this be a blessing far and wide.

  7. sophy0075 says:

    Please post the purchase information concerning the DVD when it is available! God bless you, Kendall – I am sure that what you teach will be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

  8. Undergroundpewster says:

    Can someone smuggle a copy to our isolated outpost across the diocesan border? We are starved for good teaching up here.

  9. Denise says:

    What a marvelous way to meet with C. S. Lewis — at Dr. Harmon’s knee. Agree with #7. When you live 3,000 miles from this kind of teaching one yearns to be as much a part of the class as is possible. If you can make these recordings available as the class is taught what a blessing that would be — and not have to wait until the class is over to get them all at once. But, however they come, I want to be a part of it.

  10. NoVA Scout says:

    I look forward to the DVDs. Wish I could attend in person.

  11. wyclif says:

    DVD? Better to put them up on YouTube, where more folks can get the benefit of them.