Baghdad Attacks Fuel Christian Fears

A spate of bombs exploded outside the homes of several Christian families across Baghdad early Wednesday, compounding a sense of fear and vulnerability among Iraqi Christians 10 days after a bloody siege at a church here.

Three people were reported killed and about 25 wounded in several bombings and mortar blasts.

At least some of the casualties were not Christians. Residents of the Kamsara neighborhood, where a car bomb blew up outside a Christian family’s house, said one of the dead included a Muslim man who had run outside to offer help and was killed in a secondary blast.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Iraq, Middle East, Religion & Culture, Violence

One comment on “Baghdad Attacks Fuel Christian Fears

  1. deaconjohn25 says:

    And as we read this story another one from Pakistan tells how they are getting ready to execute a Christian mother of 5 for blasphemy against Islam. Then there was the mostly ignored story from India about a Catholic college professor who had a question about Mohammed on one of his tests. Some of the Moslem students in his class didn’t like the wording of the question so later they ambushed him and cut off his hand in front of his sister and mother.
    Laura Ingraham on her radio talk show today went through a long list of persecution and killings ( including 3 young Christian girls beheaded ) of Christians in Indonesia. She interspersed her list with the glowing Obama comments about Indonesia’s wonderful practice of diversity.
    At what point does the mainstream media start covering the scope of how Christians are treated in the Islamic world. I guess they’re too busy getting hysterical about a Koran burning to be interested in the execution of Christians.