Dan Edwards Elected Bishop of Nevada on the Second Ballot

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops

21 comments on “Dan Edwards Elected Bishop of Nevada on the Second Ballot

  1. DaveW says:

    Well done Dan.

  2. VaAnglican says:

    This from the ENS story: “Edwards served on Atlanta’s diocesan Committee on Same Sex Blessings.”

  3. David Wilson says:

    To quote Susan Russell: “Yawn”

  4. Little Cabbage says:

    The Living Church article does not mention a wife or family. Please reassure me that we are NOT witnessing another VGR or +Beisner. Please.

  5. John Boyland says:

    Little Cabbage, see Fr. Dan Edwards. Scroll to the end. I think you can put your fear of “another VGR” to rest.

  6. driver8 says:

    Another lawyer?

  7. Susan Russell says:

    Congratulations to the bishop-elect and blessings on the Diocese of Nevada as they begin a new era of mission and ministry!

  8. robroy says:

    “After growing up in Texas, Fr. Dan [i]practiced law[/i] in Colorado and Idaho.”

    “He has focused his ministry in the fields of spiritual guidance and pastoral counseling, holding certificates from the Shalem Institute, the Mercy Center’s National Institute for Inner Healing, and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. ”

    “Fr. Dan served on the Diocesan Committee on Same Sex Blessings and promotes interfaith/ ecumenical dialogue in his role as Diocesan Ecumenical Officer.”

    “…he promotes servant leadership, Millennium Development Goals, and racial reconciliation. He enjoys warm friendships with the people of his diverse, inclusive congregation.”

  9. Bishop Iker says:

    #8: Well, ain’t that special!


  10. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    It was the [url=http://www.livingchurch.org/default.asp ]hat[/url]
    wot won it!

  11. Craig Goodrich says:

    Oh, goody. Another one.

  12. azusa says:

    After Schori’s miter, can’t wait to see his! Tec truly is a millenarian sect.

  13. j.m.c. says:

    You don’t have to dig the theology, legal practices, or ethics to dig the clothes.

  14. Br_er Rabbit says:

    #10 Hey, I’m checking to make sure that isn’t my hat (less the hatband, of course)… Oh, wait, here it is in the Briar Patch.

  15. TomRightmyer says:

    I note that among other things Fr. Dan has served as Ecumenical Officer of his present diocese.

    Tom Rightmyer in Asheville, NC

  16. Craig Stephans says:

    Las Vegas and Reno…what ripe mission fields. I wonder if there are any Anglican churches there or planned? If I remember correctly, this Diocese has not grown at all and in the environment of the above two cities that is tragic. I hope the Bishop-elect preaches the message of salvation through Christ and does do the Biblical mission of Christ and initiate a new era of mission and evangelism as indicated by Susan Russell above. However, if that does not occur I hope an Anglican presence will fill the vacuum.

  17. robroy says:

    The diocese of Nevada’s statistics are found [url= ]here[/url]. The diocese somewhat amazingly managed to shrink the rolls despite the state leading in population growth year after year for many years.

    It was reported on David Virtue’s site that during Katherine Jefferts-Schori’s tenure that she was rated dead last for population adusted growth (she had decline). Someone on the liberal blog Episcope objected and asked the official church statistician, Kirk Hadaway to look at the statistics. His analysis did not dispute the dead last ranking. For this she was award the presiding bishopric.

    Anyway with her stellar performance, the pole has been set about three matchboxes high for the new bishop. (For an example of this, see [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMSic0V-Xww ]Monty python-ers trying to jump over this height[/url].)

  18. Dee in Iowa says:

    I se we have the “Church Lady” with us (#8)…lol

  19. Dee in Iowa says:

    # 8 – church lady being # 9

  20. SorianoS says:

    I just want to say that I think all in the Diocese of Nevada will be pleased with the election of Fr. Dan. Fr. Dan promotes true inclusiveness and relates well to both conservative and liberal alike. A little clarification about his role on the Committee on Same Sex Blessing–this was not a committee seeking to institute same sex blessing. It was simply a forum designed to facilitate dialog between those for and against the issue. It was a time for everyone to express their opinions in a safe environment where all were assured they would be heard–no matter what their opinion on the issue. This is one area Fr. Dan excels in: seeing to it that inclusive [i]means[/i] just that–assuring folks that no matter where they fall, left, right or middle of the road, their opinions will be heard and equally considered. Congratulations to both Fr. Dan and the Diocese of Nevada.

  21. Cousin Vinnie says:

    #17, with the explosive population growth in Nevada, a diocese that fails to grow has accomplished the equivalent of walking through a hurricane and not getting wet. Apparently, they were totally untouched by all the surrounding growth. Gee, what are the Vegas odds?