RNS–Anglican Archbishops End Summit on Quiet Note

Anglican archbishops concluded their six-day summit in Ireland on Sunday (Jan. 30) by issuing statements on a host of international issues, including violence against women in Africa, political chaos in Egypt, and the murder of a gay rights activist in Uganda.

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was among the two dozen senior bishops, or primates, gathered in Dublin who also sought to clarify their roles in governing the increasingly fractious Anglican Communion.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Primates, Archbishop of Canterbury, Episcopal Church (TEC), Partial Primates Meeting in Dublin 2011, Presiding Bishop

One comment on “RNS–Anglican Archbishops End Summit on Quiet Note

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    A quiet note = puff of smoke and a cracked mirror.