Living Church: Southern Cone Offers 'Safe Haven' for American Dioceses

Bishop Venables told The Living Church the offer of a provincial home for traditionalist American dioceses merely recognized the existing splits within the church. He said the Southern Cone was not precipitating a crisis or invading The Episcopal Church, but was offering a safe haven within the Anglican Communion for those wishing to flee.

By a supermajority, delegates to the Valparaíso synod voted to permit traditionalist North American dioceses to affiliate with the province. The vote goes a step beyond Bishop Venables’ intervention in Brazil, and marks a major shift in the ecclesial structures of the Anglican Communion.

In 2005, Bishop Venables extended his personal primatial oversight to Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti and 40 priests of the Diocese of Recife after they had been deposed by the Brazilian church for contumacy.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Global South Churches & Primates, TEC Conflicts

10 comments on “Living Church: Southern Cone Offers 'Safe Haven' for American Dioceses

  1. Mike Bertaut says:

    Looks like +++RW has missed his window. The Reasserter Dioceses are going to be roundly popular in the South (America and Africa.)


  2. Robert Dedmon says:

    This is obvioulsy the end game for a lot of people.

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    This is excellent news! Gloria in excelsis Deo! It’s not like Philip Jenkins works on the emerging Christianity in the missionary global south and Lamin Sanneh’s WHOSE RELIGION IS CHRISTIANITY? haven’t been warning the imperialistic Norteamericano ECUSA/TEC and ‘mainline’ churches from Pennsylvania State University and Yale about reality for years. These are respected academics doing yoeman’s work in documenting the Holy Spirit’s work and the blinders of postEnlightenment western postmodernist global northerners. BUT, hey, so what the allegedly “wise and powerful” are consistently fooling themselves; it is a biblical tropos and motif! Salvation from the South – just how OT is God gonna get? Deo gratia!

  4. DonGander says:

    A global earthquake.

    I rejoice for those diocese who have long wondered what the future (if any) would look like for there worship and ministy.

    We can point to the eastern sky and tell those around us that the dawn is near. I see the glow.

  5. yohanelejos says:

    So, when will +Canterbury speak? Anybody want to lay down bets??

  6. Jill C. says:

    yohanelejos, perhaps when February has 30 days? (I’m not a betting sheepdog!)

  7. yohanelejos says:

    I think +++Rowan will be saying something on the matter at some point — but I’m not saying we’ll like it when we hear it.

  8. robroy says:

    How long does it take to tally responses from primates regarding the American HoB meeting? I believe the second installment on the bill for expenses of Lambeth 2008 is coming up in a few weeks.

  9. Mick says:

    #8 – does that mean that if the majority of Primates accept the HoB Statement you will accept and abide by their decision? Somehow I doubt it. So far only 11 Primates out of 38 (as far as I know, there may have been others) have publicly rejected the HoB Statement as insufficient (via CAPA, GS or personally) – Burundi, Central Africa (although +Malango is now retired), Congo, Indian Ocean, Jersusalem and the Middle-East, Nigeria, Rwanda, South-East Asia, Southern Cone, Uganda, and West Africa. Two others rejected it at CAPA but by representatives, not by Primates (Tanzania, and Southern Africa). Of course, who knows what the others have conveyed privately to +Williams.

  10. Brian from T19 says:

    This is interesting, but I don’t think it has any more of an effect than any other intervention. If you look at the case of Recife, the ABC does not recognize the deposed bishop there. So how would this change that fact?