Integrity Comments on the Diocese of Chicago Election

Integrity congratulates Jeffrey Lee on his election as the next Bishop of Chicago. “We look forward to working with Bishop-elect Lee in continuing Chicago’s long history of working for the full-inclusion of the LGBT faithful in the life and witness of the diocese,” said the Rev. Susan Russell, President of Integrity.

“Integrity also commends the Search Committee of the Diocese of Chicago for including the Very Rev. Lind as a candidate despite the chilling effects of Resolution B033””and Dean Lind herself for standing for election in spite of the House of Bishops’ recent statement in New Orleans,” continued Russell. “We may never know how significant a factor Resolution B033 was in the outcome of the Chicago election. However, we do know that Resolution B033 is noncanonical and discriminatory. Two dioceses””California and Rochester””have already passed resolutions to General Convention 2009 that will nullify B033. We strongly urge all bishops and deputies to support such resolutions and their intent to end B033’s inequity when we get to General Convention 2009 in Anaheim.”

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops

11 comments on “Integrity Comments on the Diocese of Chicago Election

  1. Rolling Eyes says:

    This needs to be reposted. A quote from newly-elected Bishop Lee:

    “For instance, in the parish I try hard to listen deeply to people who are concerned or troubled by developments in the church around sexuality and what I discover over and over again is that the issue is rarely the real issue. Someone may be deeply troubled about the liberalization of the church’s practice around the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the church, but what lies at the root of their misgivings is some hurt or brokenness in their family. Once you uncover that pain in a safe way you can begin to move through it to a place of deeper understanding.”

    This quote is simply incredible. And Integrity’s support of such a man, not surprising in the least.

    Thanks to Newbie Anglican.

    [i] Slightly edited by elf. [/i]

  2. john in IL says:

    They may congratulate him, but it doesn’t mean they supported him. I just returned from the Chicago Diocesan Convention and it appeared to me that the Integrity folks did not support Lee+ at all and, on the second ballot, unified primarily behind Sabune+ (formerly from NJ). They were very active between ballots, if not always discreet. Integrity had their form letter prepared to congratulate 7 of the 8 candidates. They only had to fill in the name.

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    To really get the flavor of the attack posed against heteronormative folks, just substitute as follows:

    Someone may be deeply troubled about the non-liberalization of the church’s practice around the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the church, but what lies at the root of their homosexuality is some hurt or brokenness in their family. Once you uncover that pain in a safe way you can begin to move through it to a place of deeper understanding and correct their homosexuality.

    Homosexuality agendites have moved from “love me” to “love me, love my sexuality” to “if you don’t love my sexuality, you don’t love me” to “not accepting my sexuality means I don’t have to love you” to “not loving my sexuality means you are psychologically disturbed and so was your whole family”. This is characterized as progress.

    Alas, ECUSA/TEC has bought into this error hook, line, and sinker. But this diocese also produced Frank Griswold, so there really isn’t any surprise other than they didn’t elect Lind.

  4. Cennydd says:

    Certainly, Integrity is disappointed that Lind+ wasn’t elected, but this doesn’t mean that they’ll stop trying to have another gay or lesbian candidate elected somewhere else.

  5. Chris says:

    Bur certainly #4 they know that electing a practicing homosexual would signal to the rest of the AC that they have no intention of upholding anything they have promised to so (i.e. B033).

    It’s an awkward (and dangerous) dance they’re doing – if they get what they really want, the more likely the “ECUSA as only Anglican entity in the US” status comes crashing down….

  6. Oldman says:

    #5. Integrity’s agenda in particular and the GLBT’s total agenda is not only for the PECUSA but the U.S.A.’s total social fabric and is far more important than the Anglican ties. In my opinion it matters not a penny whether or not the PECUSA is booted from the AC. The PCUSA has become a power base to change society as a whole. In fact, getting booted by those pesky Africans who believe in Scripture and preach it serves their purpose quite well.

  7. CharlesB says:

    His statement reminds me of our Diocese’s reply to anyone who was not in agreement with the new direction of TEC. You had three choices: Get over it, Get therapy, or Get out. He thinks we need therapy. We chose door no. 3.

  8. AnglicanFirst says:


    A well written synopsis of the progression of the radical-revisionist thought process regarding their GLBT agenda.

  9. Pb says:

    Again psychology is the answer. Deal with your hurts and the agenda of TEC will be obvious. I neever suspected that all this was my problem.

  10. Carolina Anglican says:

    #3 is right on. By contrast, according to Integrity and the like, those who are most accepting of homosexual behavior as normal become the most virtuous among us, and further, homosexuality becomes the highest and laudest virtue. This began with the equation of loving your neighbor with accepting your neighbor’s behavior as okay.

  11. Harvey says:

    #3, #10 Right on. All this present TEC hoopla reminds me of a different rendition of what Admiral Farrugaut said when he continued sailing into the enemy harbor. “..d*m* the torpedos full speed Ah”BOOM!!!!. The TEC is sailing through new uncharted mined waters and as a result more of the crew is leaving.