NBC News: Cleveland feels foreclosure crunch

Watch it carefully and watch it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy

3 comments on “NBC News: Cleveland feels foreclosure crunch

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    “Some loans that probably shouldnt have been done” says one gentleman in the video report.

    Gee-ya think? Very sad.

  2. Dave B says:

    Mark Morford wrote an editorial (Does your Religion Dance?) a short time back that was posted on this blog. Hakkatan made this response on the blog,”I don’t think that he wants his banker, his plumber, or his lawyer to be as free and creative as he thinks religious people should be.” The loan crises is the result of unchecked “creativity”!

  3. dpeirce says:

    Somebody shouldn’t have taken out the loan, and the bank shouldn’t have been so anxious to lend him the money…

    but he’s still losing his house.

    In faith, Dave
    Viva Texas <>< dave@christos.cjb.net, dpeirce@christian.net