(Living Church) Grant LeMarquand to Serve Region He Loves

The Rev. Grant LeMarquand was in Egypt last year, preparing for a retreat at a monastery, when the Most Rev. Mouneer D. Anis invited him out for coffee. The bishop asked his friend a life-changing question: Would he consider being appointed an assistant bishop serving the Horn of Africa?

LeMarquand, professor of biblical studies and mission at Trinity School for Ministry, spent the next week and a half wrestling with Bishop Mouneer’s question while on retreat.

As part of his discernment, LeMarquand met with a committee in London, including Archbishop John Sentamu and retired Archbishop Maurice Sinclair, that advises Bishop Mouneer. The bishop announced LeMarquand’s appointment Dec. 8 in a letter to the Episcopal/Anglican Diocese of Egypt.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East

3 comments on “(Living Church) Grant LeMarquand to Serve Region He Loves

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Wow, fantastic news! A welcome relief when there’s so much bad news abounding about Anglicanism in the Global North.

    Congratulations to Dr. LeMarquand! And kudos as well to ++Mouneer Anis, who had the bold vision for this audacious new outreach to the Horn of Africa. With a wife who is a medical doctor, and with his strong background in theological education, this move will be the crown and culmination of Dr. LeMarquand’s long labors of love on behalf of the peoples of East Africa. I can’t imagine a couple better suited for this incredibly challenging assignment.

    The Horn of Africa is probably the most desperately impoverished, famine-stricken, and crime-ridden part of the whole planet. The LeMarquand’s will be bearing the Light of Christ in one of the darkest spots on the globe, where holistic mission is most needed.

    However, perhaps condolences are in order as well. First for TSM in Ambridge, since Grant will be hard to replace. He is unclonable. But I suspect that condolences as well as congratulations may also be in order for the new missionary couple too. They are very likely to experience what Bob Pierce, the founder of World Vision experienced, as their hearts will likely be broken over and over by what breaks the heart of God, the unspeakable suffering of so many of his dear creatures made in his divine image.

    Still, I’m sure that the LeMarquand’s knew that, counted the cost, and agreed to go anyway. BRAVO! Thanks be to God.

    David Handy+

  2. Ian+ says:

    Hearty congrats to my preaching professor (at Wycliffe College)! What a fine choice.

  3. Cranmerian says:

    So much for the rest of his retreat!

    Wonderful news for the Anglican Communion. Certainly a loss for TSM as a faithful professor is being called to serve the wider church. Blessings for the Horn of Africa, and for TSM as they enter the search process for a new faculty member.