In Milwaukee, Thousands awaiting Cardinal Timothy Dolan celebrating Mass of Thanksgiving

Bilda’s Friess Lake Pub is a hot spot on a Friday night, and the hot topic around the tables — Cardinal Dolan’s visit to nearby Holy Hill this weekend. “It seems to be, you look around here, there certainly is,” said John Freese.

Craig Schmidt told TODAY’S TMJ4, “I’m not even Catholic, I’m a WELS Lutheran but Timothy Dolan rocks.”

Dolan will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving inside the chapel Saturday. It’s his first visit back to the area since becoming a Cardinal.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Urban/City Life and Issues

3 comments on “In Milwaukee, Thousands awaiting Cardinal Timothy Dolan celebrating Mass of Thanksgiving

  1. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    [blockquote]Craig Schmidt told TODAY’S TMJ4, “I’m not even Catholic, I’m a WELS Lutheran but Timothy Dolan rocks.”[/blockquote]

    Holy buckets…did I just read that correctly?

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    I too like Dolan though I too am not Catholic. But I am reminded of the perils of fame and the old adage “beware celebrity priests.”

  3. drjoan says:

    Dolan wouldn’t be a “celebrity priest” were it not for Obama’s trying to circumvent the Constitution!