We had long debate, with several attempts to amend, of a resolution that seeks to increase the pressure on dioceses (like Springfield) that pay less than the full asking from the national church. Eventually, with a push from the Presiding Bishop, it got re-referred to committee for further work.
We passed, on second reading, a constitutional amendment that will remove the House of Deputies from the consent process for bishops elected within 120 of General Convention, and send everything to the Standing Committees. This is now in the hands of the Deputies.
The most interesting thing here is the deletion of consent by GC to elections of bishops which occur within 120 days of GC. Had this been in place in 2003, VGS probably wouldn’t have been approved.
I saw someone else post about General Board of Examining Chaplains on facebook then they retracted it. Anyone know if they actually cut funding or did they keep it? Twitterverse says they kept it.
Oops; that should have been VGR!